Saturday, April 28, 2012

Graphs and Careers- Excellent Integration

We had Career Day this week,!  We got to see 4 different careers...firefighters, martial artists, ballerinas, and Bomb Squad.  So, what better way to integrate math and social studies then with a graph.

In Math, we've been learning all about graphs.  There are some wonderful products on TpT that are a must have Graphs Galore by Michelle and All About Graphs by Lindsey.  Graphs can be tricky so I started with a basic bar graph using careers from Career Day.  

My students decided on their favorite career that we saw.  They wrote the job and drew it.  Then, we took a survey by raising our hands to find out how many tallies we needed to put next to each job.  Next, they had to create a bar graphs using their survey chart.  Lastly, they studied the graphs and answered the questions for the results.  

The graphs turned out wonderful!  They were able to apply the process of creating and reflecting.  They always tell me I wear.them.out!  I insist I am just exercising their brains and in my best Arnold voice "I'm gonna Pump. You. Up!  Enjoy these freebies friends!

P.S.  I am Spotlight Saturday feature on Michelle's blog.  Check it out here and give her some love!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fairy Tales...Wishing I was at Disney AGAIN!

I've been thinking about Disney so much since our trip!  We are already planning another trip in October.  Our little girl loved it so much.  I've been readings lots of Fairy Tales to her since we've been back.  You would think I am all princess-ed out!

My students have been asking to see pictures of our trip every.five.minutes.  So...I got to thinking about creating a lesson on Fairy Tales.  I am planning on using my creation this week by using things we have been working on story elements, summarizing, and exploring this case Fairy Tales.  I am going to use the poster to display.  I'll use the princess cards for visualization and whole group discussion of various Fairy Tales that they possibly already know.  Then, I'll have fairy tale books on hand to pass out for buddy reading.  They will complete the foldable with a partner and also summarize what the story is about.  And...they will be so excited when I close the unit with pics from our trip to Disney.  I'm just as anxious to share (shhh)!  Meanwhile, you can pick up this for free at TpT!

Fairy Tale Summaries Completed!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Estimating Time

We've been super busy this week with TIME!  Why is time always a difficult concept for most students to grasp?  You should have seen their faces when I was modeling quarters on a clock. I just knew they were thinking about coins, which is far from where I wanted them to think!

Then, I threw a bone way out there and we began estimating time.  This took some Kinesthetic reinforcement with timing things that take 1 second versus things that take one minute.  Next, I added 1 hour and 1 day.  We brainstormed some ideas of things that take these various amounts of time and had a very in-depth discussion.

To wrap up the lesson, I gave them some printable templates (included below).  They were to work independently and illustrate activities that would take 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 day.  I loved their illustrations!  I wanted to share this freebie idea so that you don't start pulling your hair out like I did.  I think I have a small bald spot now!  :)

I love the little crayon poking out of the box!  Cute!

This student loves Origami and stressed that it takes a long time depending on the animal.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Disney World Bound!

My little family is so excited to be leaving today!  This is a first for my daughter (she's almost 3).  I can't wait to see Fantasyland.  I know it's not complete.  I guess we will just have to go back when it is.  :)  Anyway, I'll be missing from my blog for the week.  I need a break from everything before the stress of end of year testing begins.  Hopefully, I'll return with more creative ideas that are Disney inspired.  See you all next week.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching

You need to take a look at this video!  I am AMAZED!  I really adore the techniques this teacher uses and intend to borrow the ideas to use in my classroom.  Thank you to Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff for sharing this.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One More Day...

Until Spring Break Begins!  But first, I have to survive tomorrow's field trip to the Life and Science Museum in Durham.  It is a really fun and adventurous trip for the kiddos.  My students are excited about seeing all of the insects since we have been studying meal worms for the past month.  My kids were crazily stoked when they saw a beetle in the meal worm habitat.  That's when they found out that meal worms go through a complete metamorphosis.  Unlike all those girly teachers and assistants around me who gag every time they see the habitat, I love bugs!  They are so"KEWL" to study.

So, our trip to the Life and Science Museum should be fun (and tiring)!  Let's just hope the rain stays away so we can enjoy all of the wildlife exhibits and train ride. Ha!