Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SMART Cookie & Super Speed 100

Whew, it has been a WEEK!  It is only Tuesday and I am completely exhausted.  Our 3rd and 4th graders started the EOG (end of grade tests) today.  I know they are prepared to do their best!  Being in 2nd, we don't take EOGs {PTL!}.  We did get to show some of our 3rd graders love and support.  We made this poster...

and made these little inspirational tags and attached them to Little Debbie cookies

and took them to the third graders.  
We read the poster, gave them their notes and cookies, and wished the LUCK!  No like they need it...I know they are amazingly, talented kiddos.

Click HERE to pick up the taggies.

Super Speed 100

Since they were testing, I decided to give my students a challenge.  I have been reading about Whole Brain Teaching for months (See the video in an older post.  It is brilliant!).  I wanted to use some of the resources and found this website http://www.wholebrainteaching.com/.  I read all about Super Speed 100.  It is basically a highly effective sight word practice reading system.  I decided to try it out with my class today.  {I wish I had found this sooner!}  Not only did my students love it and keep asking to do more and more so they could pass their last goal, but they were able to work in partner teams without fussing or bickering.  I was very impressed on how many students kept passing their goals.  It is not as simple of a read as one might think.  I used my document camera and projector to model with another student.  I kept getting tripped up, and they would laugh.  I think it made them feel good to know that even teachers make mistakes (no secrets here).  There is a training tonight to get certified to be a Whole Brain Instructor.  I am definitely checking it out and will fully implement it next year.  Meanwhile,  I am having fun practicing with my current students these last 11 DAYS OF SCHOOL!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

13 Days and a Multiplication Packet For You

Well, technically 12 and 1/2 since our last day of school is an early dismissal.  The students aren't dismissed until 1:30 so it is really like 2/3 of a day {not sure who decided to call it a half day anyway}.  Well, we have been reviewing and wrapping up the year.  My students are excited to dive into multiplication.  Since we will have arrays on the lovely Common Core next year, I decided to create a mini-packet to use with this class so they are a little more prepared for what's coming.  If you are still straining to get through these last few days, I hope this packet helps, if you are already out for summer LUCKY YOU!  Enjoy for free friends!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Heart the USA!

Memorial Day is quickly approaching.  While as a teacher, I am very happy about a three-day weekend, I think we sometimes often forget the meaning of Memorial Day.  As a military spouse currently going through a deployment, I am greatly aware of what Memorial Day means.  It means...

Sacrifice, Bravery, Honor, Respect, Dignity, Unity, Reflection, Loss, Tears, Mourning, and so much more.  

I was fortunate enough to get to visit Washington D.C. about 5 years ago.  I toured the White House, which was really awesome.  I went to the Lincoln Memorial, which was extremely crowded.  I saw the Washington Monument, but did not get a chance to get an up close look.  Though these were amazing things to see, I'll never forget the day I was there,  You see, I was there on Veteran's Day.  Talk about E-MO-TION-AL.  I met vet's from all different wars, some in perfect health, some confined to wheel chairs, and families of those that were lost.  I read the name on the memorial walls and watched people trace names.  

Afterwards, I went to Arlington National Cemetery.  It gave me CHILLS!  The silence was so serene and peaceful.  I actually felt like it was a piece of heaven that had dropped down to earth.  I witnessed the wreath laying at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Tears again!  Coming from a non-military background,prior to being married, I guess I just didn't get it.  I didn't understand why people joined the military.  I didn't understand the price of war.  I didn't understand a woman or child's sacrifice, even though I thought I did.  In the past 5 years, it has become so much more clear.  

So, as I reflect on Memorial Day next Monday, I reflect as a military spouse who misses her husband, who sheds tears as my daughter cries for her daddy, who must keep calm and know that everything is in the Lord's hands.  I ask that while you have the day off, pray for our troops and families, past and present who have sacrificed so MUCH for your freedom.  

I have created an activity packet that you can use with your class for Memorial Day or Veteran's Day.  Check it out at TpT or Teachers Notebook!  May God Bless!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ladybug Life Cycle

I think I have worn my kids out with studying insect life cycles.  But...I just needed to create one last activity or should I say craftivity.  Look how cute!

They turned out perfect!  I just added a brad and some pretty glitter glue to the antennae.  They are hanging in my classroom window.  If you are just as in love with this as I, you can pick it up at my TpT store!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Surprise...OH MY!

My team and I went out for lunch for Teacher Appreciation week.  Little did I know, there were plans in the making.  I came back to this...

OH MY!!!

So thoughtful and well-planned!  One of the room moms had set the whole thing up with my 2nd grade team.  The party included cake and ice cream, so we had a wild, crazy Friday afternoon.  It was all worth it!  Look at all the sweet words on the board (a few gave me the giggles).  I especially laughed at the one that says, "You are so crazy!!!" and "Happy Beerth Day!".  I love this class and will miss them dearly as they journey on to 3rd grade.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Counting to 1,000!

Also counting the number of days until Summer Break Begins!!!  We have 22 left.  How many do you have?  I will be so sad to see this class go.  They are a wonderfully, sweet group of 2nd graders.  They always tell me how much they miss me when I am out or how they wish they could stay with me on the weekends.  They are curious about my daughter and love when I tell stories about her.  Awww, I love them!  Can I please have them for 1 more year???

One end of year celebration our school is putting on is a "MATH" night after PTA Tuesday.  My students are looking forward to challenging me on some math games.  I sure hope their parents bring them out.  It will be lots of fun!  So, to help prepare them we have been finishing our "I Can Count to 1,000!"  books.  Some students are still only up to 200 and some have just about finished.  They pulled them out on Friday and worked and worked on getting to 1,000.  We've prepared all year and now it is a review to make sure they got it.  This is allowing me to see which students continue to struggle with counting.  Below is the freebie for you.  I hope this helps you as well.  Have a wonderful week!  (I am also having a TpT Sale May 6-8.  Stop by and grab my stuff now!  Use code TAD12 for an additional discount!  Thanks in advance!)