Friday, July 19, 2013

My Brain is on Summer Vacay

I have neglected my blog for the past month.  My brain has seriously taken a much needed vacay form all things school related.  Sometimes you just need to stop thinking about school stuff.  During the summer is when I handle all of my personal biz.  I've been bogged down with APPOINTMENTS!  I don't like that  It means I have to be patient with my time and I am not a patient person.  I always try to wait until the school year is over to take care of myself because I just do not like leaving my students nor do I like making sub plans.

Now, that my brain has started thinking about school related stuff again, I have been getting busy.  This week my grade level met and we made our curriculum map for ELA.  I borrowed the idea that the fabulous Deana at Primary Punch had and adapted it to our stories.  I can say I feel 100% much better about lesson planning this school year since we have all of this done.

This is what the format looks like. The organization is simple and easy to read!  What do you think?
