Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting My Organization On & An Award

I can't believe the start of a new school year is around the corner.  I'm very excited to see my new students (4 of which I already know)!  My goal for this year is to get organized.  Well, it's really been my goal since I started teaching almost 7 years ago. Ha!  I just haven't had the time. Imagine, a teacher with no time?!?!  Anyway, I found this great idea for organizing with storage tool boxes from Creekside Teacher Tales and put my own spin on it.  The Big Reveal...

I am a primary colors kinda gal!  My classroom is bright and cheery like this.

I bought 3 pages of duct tape sheets (one red, one yellow, one green) for $1.99 each at staples.  The duct tape was so much easier than trying to scrapbook the drawers.  It took me maybe about 15-20 minutes to duct tape all of the drawers.  BTW, I only taped the front of the drawers.  If you wanted to tape all of the drawer you will definitely need more duct tape!

I purchased the storage unit at Lowe's for $19 and received a military discount so I paid around $17!  Woohoo!

Oh, and the labels I printed on Avery sticky labels (also from Staples) and cut the ends to the size I wanted.  I was able to use one of my favorite fonts Janda Bubble! 

Total project time was 45 minutes!  Yes, it really was that easy!

I want to give a huge Thank You and shout-out to Carole at  Kinder Carole and Kristine at Teaching without Tears for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award!  I gladly accept the nomination!  :)  Swing by their blogs and check out the amazing things they have created.

Now, off to enjoy more of the Olympics.  Go Team USA!



  1. I like the way your boxes look. Clean and organized.

  2. Kristi,

    I love your toolbox. I need to go and get me one. I have been wanting one but just didn't know where to get one at. I will go by Lowes and have a look around.

  3. Kristi,
    Your toolbox is so cute! I need to go get one and really like the one you have. Do you know what brand it is and the size? I've been looking on the internet and there are so many different kinds that it is hard to tell how big or small something is.

