Thursday, August 16, 2012

iPad Training (STEM GRANT)

It's only 1 week until we meet our new students for "Meet the Teacher" night and I am going crazy!  I was able to get into my classroom Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm in training for the next 2 days.  Why?  Our school along with a few other schools in the county received a very generous grant to improve technology in our school system through the Department of Defense.  We are so blessed to be the recipient of this grant.  I'm sure our students will be beyond thrilled when they find out!!!

 Each classroom will be enhanced with this...
iPad 3

And this...
Apple TV

And this...

70" flat screen

Today we "created" (USING BLOOM'S, of course) any type of technology driven project to introduce our group to the rest of the teachers at this training.  We created a slide show about our group.  Here's a pic of my group showing our crazy faces since we are just "CRAZY" about our new technology!

{Love these women!!!}

Back to training again tomorrow and (fingers crossed) finishing up my classroom.



  1. Oh Lord, we have made it to Blog Land!!!

  2. Very cool. I work in DoD, good luck. Check this out if your interested in iPad training:
