Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Almost Fall, Y'ALL!

Happy Sunday!  It is a very dreary Sunday here in NC.  It makes me wish fall would hurry up and get here.  The county fair starts next week and I'm already craving turkey legs, funnel cakes, and caramel apples.  I've been busy creating some fall activities for math based on the Common Core Standards for 2nd Grade to help me get ready for fall.  Pumpkins, Apples, and Scarecrows, OH MY!  Yes, this math unit is packed with all things for fall minus the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.  Can you say yum?!  Click on the picture below to view this item in my TPT store.

Click on the picture below for a freebie from this pack.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday friends!



  1. Hello! I just found your blog and I am your newest follower! So glad I found you. Can't wait to share ideas. BTW this fall math materials looks awesome!! I will have to add it to my wishlist or wait to win a TpT gift card.

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  2. I am so glad you found me!!! My kids love this math. It's getting them in the mood for fall. Thanks for joining my blog!
