Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Inflectional Endings- {s versus es}

This week my 2nd graders are working on adding -s, -es, and -ies to nouns.  Most of my students know -s and -es from 1st grade and we've moved on to -ies.  They love saying "drop the y and -ies".  I even think I've said it over and over in my sleep this week. :)

Though they know this concept, I still notice in their writings how confused they are when it comes to adding an inflectional ending.  A handful aren't sure about the rule of adding -s versus adding -es to nouns.  So... I made this little poster and activity sort to review the concept with them tomorrow.  I just know they are going to love it and hopefully get a better grasp on inflectional endings.  Feel free to use it with your kiddos!I've included colored and black/white so you can use it as a center or cut/paste activity.  Click on the pic to get this freebie!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a blessed Thursday friends!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Have you ever heard of "nearpod"?  Since our school received our iPads, we have been training each month on different apps to enhance learning.  Recently, we had a training in "nearpod".  It is an interactive app that allows the teacher to create pdfs on certain concepts and upload them.  Then, you add polls, quizzes, videos, etc.  The teacher begins the presentation and the students log on using a specific code on their iPads.  The interactivity and engagement begins!

I created this one to train our teachers at our school.  Note:  These are only slides and are missing the inetractive quizzes, polls, and videos.  If I could share the nearpod file with you I certainly would.  However, I haven't upgraded to the $10 a month membership yet.

 Poll- Have you ever used nearpod?

 Video: How nearpod works!
 Video-nearpod in the classroom

 Quiz: What have you learned?

For more info about nearpod, click HERE.

I can't wait to start using this with my students!  I'll share some pics and videos soon.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MLK Craftivity Freebie and One GIDDY Class

My, oh, MY!  I had the worst stomach cramps after school yesterday and they decided to show back up today.  No worries...I had my flu shot this year.  I just can't figure out if I have some little bug that I am sure is traveling around.

Aside from my issues, my class has been very GIDDY this week.  I can't seem to keep their little hands busy while I assess.  So, I created this MLK craftivity to use with the book "Martin's Big Words".  We read the book, watched the short video to review the words (differentiated instruction!) and then focused on using quotations around spoken words.  I tried to guide my class into picking a variety of different quotes, but some just insisted on doing the same ones.  Whatever sticks in their little minds is fine by me.

Click on the pic for a template of this craftivity!

Later in the day, our boxes from Donor's Choose came in.  These interactive games are a lifesaver this week while I'm assessing.  We received a total of 9 for review of Word Work and math skills that we have been learning.  They are a must have and can be purchased through Lakeshore or you can always write a grant.  You could have heard a pin drop before I opened the box...and then it was LOUD chaos or should I say "excitement".  :)

This is the Place Value Mystery House Game.  The students played on teams.  It has some cute surprises along the way.  Just when one team thought they were winning, another team was awarded a shortcut and ended up winning.  Which led to a discussion of sportsmanship.  Oh, the joys of 2nd grade (or really any grade for that matter)!

Tomorrow I will be assessing more students on running records.  I am also planning on continuing to use my MLK unit since it will be the last day for students before the holiday.  

I am off to my warm bed.  Have a Wonderfully, Wacky Wednesday!  This week is almost half-way finished!  WooHoo!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

3 Day School Week and Lots to Cram In!

Hey Friends!
This week is going to be super short.  We only have 3 student days this week and 2 teacher workdays.  There is so much to cram in!  I'm feeling a little crazy.  You see, we have so many assessments that are due by January 25th.  My school tests using mClass 3D reading which is more than amazing.  I love it!  We just began doing this January 7th with our new iPads.  If you want more info, check out the mClass website HERE.

 In addition, we continue to give a 26 word spelling assessment (paper and pencil, blah!)  which is based on words their way.  The students must also do a mid-year writing over the topic of my choosing.  This is done at BOY, MOY, and EOY to measure student growth in writing.

For math, the students take a STAR math Test (computerized, woohoo!), a county math assessment (paper and pencil, once again) and an M-Comp and M-Cap paper/pencil test.  Last week, I began testing, but it seems there is always at least one child out and I have to give the test to that student one-on one the next day.  So, this week we will continue testing, but I have lots of MLK activities to keep the kids busy while I continue mClass assessments and such.

I thought I'd share my lesson plan for this week with you since I included some activities from my Mini Unit on MLK.

I found this video on you tube to use later on in the week to review the book "Martin's Big Words".  the only problem is that we do not have access to YouTube at our school so I am trying to figure out a way to download this.  It is perfect!

I'm off to enjoy Sunday with my little family!  Have a terrific week friends!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr. Mini Pack & A Freebie

January is flying by for me.  What about you?  We've got so much testing coming up for our 2nd graders that my mind is spinning.  As I was planning upcoming lessons and glanced at the calendar I realized that MLK Day is coming up super quick.  I have been working on my new mini unit.  I finished it yesterday and it is now on TPT.  It is quick and easy to use over a 3 day period leading up the holiday.  Click on the pic to check it out!

For you fantastic followers, here is an extra freebie for you. Click on the pic!  

I'll be using this with this book, but you can really use any biographical book about MLK.

It is a rainy Sunday here in NC.  Hope it is bright and sunny where you are.  Have a wonderful week!

Stop By Classroom Freebies for more wonderful work by teachers!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Click on the picture to shop at my store and receive 20% off every product...TODAY ONLY!


New Year, New Beginnings

Happy 2013 Friends!  

Have you made any resolutions yet?  I've been thinking hard about what I want to achieve this year and decided to narrow it down to 3 things...

1) Stop drinking soda.  I love me some caffeine, but at a recent doctors appointment I was highly encouraged to stop, so here goes.  (A cup of coffee is okay, right?)  I found these scary stats...

2)Run at least 3 times a week.  Last year, I ran frequently and ended up losing about 20 pounds that I had put on during my pregnancy.  I love these running shoes and will use these as a goal.  If I can drop 5-10 pounds within the next month I WILL buy these.

3) Set a schedule of cleaning throughout the week.  All of my cleaning ends up piling up for the weekend and then I am stuck cleaning my house the entire weekend.!  I like this idea!

What are your resolutions?