Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy 2013 Friends!  

Have you made any resolutions yet?  I've been thinking hard about what I want to achieve this year and decided to narrow it down to 3 things...

1) Stop drinking soda.  I love me some caffeine, but at a recent doctors appointment I was highly encouraged to stop, so here goes.  (A cup of coffee is okay, right?)  I found these scary stats...

2)Run at least 3 times a week.  Last year, I ran frequently and ended up losing about 20 pounds that I had put on during my pregnancy.  I love these running shoes and will use these as a goal.  If I can drop 5-10 pounds within the next month I WILL buy these.

3) Set a schedule of cleaning throughout the week.  All of my cleaning ends up piling up for the weekend and then I am stuck cleaning my house the entire weekend.  Not.so.fun!  I like this idea!

What are your resolutions?


  1. Kristi,

    Mine is not to lose weight but to get healthy for myself. I have no incentives at this time but with each little step I plan on making it to the next one:) Can not wait to see you in those sneakers! Send me a picture of you in them!

  2. I LOVE your weekly cleaning schedule! I may have to borrow it ;) I hate cleaning, but maybe one task each day would make it less painful! Happy New Year!
