Saturday, February 9, 2013

100th Day..Hip Hip Hooray!

On Monday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School!  It took quite a while to get to this point, but we made it!  Here's what the door looked like when the students arrived at school...

I just used bulletin board paper above the door, sliced it, and created the sign.  I wish I had time to laminate it, but a page protector had to do.  Click on the pic below to get the sign for free.

We also spent the day using tons of math skills!  We added double digit numbers with sums greater than 100 and measured classroom stuff that was less than and more than 100 centimeters.    This awesome freebie can be found on Yvonne Dixon's website Sassy in Second!  Click on link below!

That it for tonight!  
I'll be back tomorrow with the Black History Month Project my super smart kids created.  
Goodnight friends!
