Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Week I Will Never Forget

This past week has been life-changing.  My mind has been on full throttle, my nerves shot, and my heart filled with joy.

Let me rewind a bit.  As you know, I was selected as Teacher of the Year for my school.  I was so ecstatic!  So, I spent my summer preparing my teaching portfolio.  Let me just tell you that it is a ton of work, but it also let me reflect on my beliefs about teaching.  I gained more knowledge by writing my ideas than you can imagine.

Fast forward to last week..  I interviewed with past educators for a spot as a finalist for my district as Teacher of the Year.  My nerves were on crazy mode.  I just didn't know which kind of questions would be asked.  Would it be Common Core Standards?  Maybe it would be about how I differentiate in my classroom?  Hmm...I just didn't know.

Well, to my surprise I received an email that I was selected as Elementary Teacher of the Year and would need to come back for more interviews to determine the Teacher of the Year at the county level.  Talk about lots of excitement and tears.  My mind was in a million places as I thought about what all of this meant.

On Tuesday night we had our Teacher of the Year banquet.  My nerves were there to visit me once again.  You would think I would have nerves of steel by this point.  Each TOY from each school was announced.  Then came the three finalists.  After we all sat back down the Superintendent stood and gave his speech.  As soon as I heard him quote what was in my portfolio I knew it was me.  My husband kicked me under the table because he knew all of the words from my portfolio.  I had spent so much time writing, reading, revising, etc. that I read it over and over and over again.  I am sure he was annoyed at times, but he just let me speak.

I stood up and gave only a few comments because the excitement had truly gotten the best of me.  I was in a room full of wonderful educators that certainly deserved this recognition just as much as I did.  I am truly honored and very blessed!

 Wayne County Schools Teacher of the Year 2013-2014

This is me with our Superintendent Dr. Taylor.

My wonderful,supportive husband and I.  All dressed up before the banquet.

The beautiful flowers are from my family back in Texas.  The award was presented to me from my sweet colleagues who truly helped my to get to this point.

Thursday we had Open House.  With all of the excitement going on I had to throw everything together last minute to make sure my classroom was the way I like it.  

We always take a grade level team photo after each open house.  These are the lovely ladies I work with and that keep me on my feet.  :)

I must get to bed and hopefully get plenty of rest.  I have 23 new 2nd graders to greet tomorrow.  I think this is the first year in 7 years that I am not nervous one bit!


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to start volunteering in your room.

