Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome Back Sale and Gift Idea

This week has been one of those weeks where you it seems you just blinked your eyes and it was GONE.  The good news is that my classroom is almost complete so i can share pictures with you later this week.  The bad news is that I still don't have the names of my students.  We are switching over to a wonderful new grade-book system "PowerSchool" and the names are still being input into the system.  I am truly lost without the names.  hopefully, we will get them tomorrow and I can get busy putting their sweet names on everything!

Don't forget that today and tomorrow, TPT is having the annual back to School sale.  You can get up to 28%  off items from all the amazing teachers that love to share their knowledge and expertise.  I have a wishlist going and can't wait to add everything I find to my cart. (Don't forget to enter code BTS13 at checkout!)

In other news, I love shopping for others more than myself.  I found these cute bubble earrings that are all the rage on Groop Dealz a few weeks ago.

 I mention Groop Dealz on here quite a bit because well, I just love it!  They have the cutest handmade items at discounted prices.  If you haven't checked them out you must click {HERE} now to go see what it is all about!

Anyway, I bought royal blue bubble earrings for all of my awesome teammates.  Royal Blue and Gold are the school colors and I thought these would make a nice addition to wear with our school shirts.  I bought the cutest little "Gift Card" boxes at the Dollar Tree.  You can't beat 5 for $1.  I placed the earrings inside and made this little gift tag.

Unfortunately, the template I used was template on my silhouette and I can't seem to figure out how to transfer that over.  So for you faithful followers I made a similar one for you to use.  Click on the pic below to get the template!

Off to Walmart I go to get some last minute school supplies that I forgot.  I hope you have a fabulous week either working in your classroom, sitting in meetings, or starting with a new classroom full of nervous students.



  1. I love Group Dealz. Would you mind sharing your tag as a download? Would love to do for my team. thanks

    1. Cynthia,

      I apologize, but I cannot figure out how to transfer my original template since I created it on my Silhouette. However, I have created another template that you could use in place of the original. Enjoy!

